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go back 短語和例子go back of 〔美口〕調查,研究。 g...

go bad

We shook hands with him gravely and went back outdoors . 我們鄭重其事地跟他握了握手,然后退了出來。

During my talk that night, my mind kept going back to bill . 那天晚上我講話時,心里不斷想著比爾。

Then i'd edit his copy, and we'd go back and forth . 然后由我審編他寫的稿子,我們兩個人反復推敲。

He is already striding out the door, going back to work . 他已經揚長而去,走出門外,回去工作了。

Someone is waiting for you at home . you 'd better go back right now . 你回去吧,家里有人找你。

He was furious with his guardian for going back on his word . 他對監護人的出爾反爾,大發其火。

Let me go back to my country . 讓我回家去。

Even if melanie were dying, she couldn't go back up there . 哪怕梅蘭快死了,她也不能回去的。

He went back on his friends . 他背叛了朋友。

In this extremity i went back directly to my castle . 在這種緊急關頭,我登時就跑回我的城堡。

He never goes back on his word . 他從不食言。

I went back to the theater . 我回電影院去了。

I shall recommend that you go back for your own safety . 我是為了你個人的安全才勸你回去的。

They went back home, reflecting upon what they had seen . 他們回到家里,思考所見到的一切。

If i 'd known this beforehand i would not have gone back . 要是早知道這件事我就不回去了。

He promised to help , he will not go back on his promise . 如果他答應幫忙,他就不會食言。

Rights of common go back to anglo-saxon times . 公地使用權可以追溯到盎格魯-撒克遜時代。

When you go back , would you take a message for me ? 你回去的時候,趁便給我帶個口信。

I was clear of that ship, i was not going back . 我已經逃出了那只船,我決不再回去了。